296 Beach

296 Beach

Herbert Molson joined the family business, Molson Brewery, in 1897 and in 1910, he became its new owner. In 1911 he formed Molson’s Brewery Ltd. in partnership with his cousin Frederick William Molson. This marked the beginning of a process to mechanize and modernize their existing plant. Decorated for his service during the First World War, Herbert returned to Canada and became an administrator of many important Canadian corporations as well as a generous benefactor of McGill University and of the Montreal General Hospital. He bought the house at 296 Beach in 1906 and three generations of the family have lived there since.

Lorna Bethell, Herbert Molson’s granddaughter, remembers spending her summers on the beach as a child.

Audio is on the next page: click on the right arrow to access it!

Lorna Bethell: Childhood on the Beach

Extracto de
Village Memories: Walk Our Heritage, East Trail

Village Memories: Walk Our Heritage, East Trail image circuit

Presentada por : Heritage Lower Saint Lawrence

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