The Carrefour d’Austin

A place for cultural gatherings

Fuente : Le Reflet du Lac

Nicholas-Austin Road

In 1793, Nicholas Austin settles down with his wife and children.

Source: Municipality of Austin

Formerly Peasley’s Corner

The Anglican Church of the Atonement, built in 1865.

Source: Municipality of Austin

The Carrefour d’Austin

You are at TheCarrefour d’Austin – or crossroads of Austin – at the juncture of Nicholas-Austin and Millington roads formerly known as Peasley’s Corner.

It is to Nicholas Austin, an American Loyalist from New Hampshire, his wife and his four children that we owe the creation of Austin in 1796.

In 2022, the Municipality of Austin acquired this small church, built in 1865. Since then, this crossroads has become a regular venue for cultural life and civic engagement. Concerts, movies, karaoke nights and more testify to the vitality of the Austin community. 

Just next door, a small park commemorates Muriel Ball-Duckworth, a great feminist, citizen of the world and descendant of Nicholas Austin. Along with her husband, she dedicated her life fighting for the underprivileged and advocating for peace. 

Across the road, the general store has local products on offer, including the prized cheeses and jams produced by the Saint-Benoît-du-Lac Abbey.  Make provisions for your walk!

Extracto de
Circuit de l'Abbaye - Eastern Townships

Circuit de l'Abbaye - Eastern Townships image circuit

Presentada por : Action Memphrémagog Ouest

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