Circuit de l'Abbaye - Eastern Townships

Discover the Circuit de l’Abbaye, a long-distance, independent-style walking tour starting and ending at the emblematic abbey of Saint-Benoît-du-Lac. The 149-km Circuit provides a healing, introspective journey through the municipalities of Austin, Orford Township, Eastman, Saint-Étienne-de-Bolton, Bolton-Est and Potton Township.


The interactive map on BaladoDiscovery pinpoints the location of must-see places along the Circuit de l’Abbaye while audio clips provide some historical information about them. 


The Circuit generally takes some 8 to 10 days to complete. The map proposes an itinerary and displays your current position to help you locate yourself in real time. 

Plan short breaks to discover the many points of interest and enjoy the insights that we provide along the way!

Walkers are responsible for planning accommodations in line with the number of kilometres they wish to walk on a daily basis.


Using the mobile app BaladoDiscovery is recommended, rather than the website. All content can be accessed offline at anytime through the app’s Preload option.


The circuit was created by Action Memphré-Ouest (AMO), administrator of Le Circuit de l'Abbaye (, with financial support from the Memphremagog MRC under the Fonds Région Ruralité and Fonds d’appui au tourisme programs.

Research, design and coordination
Patrick Samson

Texts, script editing and revision
Sarah Linde, Marie Fortin, Lisette Maillé

Renee Donaldson

Recording and editing 
David Elias