The Final Stop

Sugar Loaf Mountain

Fuente : Laurie Ball

The Final Stop

Take time to stop!

Whether you’ve walked the entire Circuit de l’Abbaye or just a part of it, you are coming to the end of your long journey. You have explored our great territory and most certainly, yours also…

No matter the reason why you’ve walked all these kilometres, whether for the love of walking, a time of reflection and introspection, a spiritual quest or simply as a sporting challenge, you are undoubtedly feeling good living in the here and now. 

Step by step, you have left your footprint on the road, and the road has left its footprint on you. You have travelled municipal, back-country roads, you have discovered the Eastern Townships slowly, and with a different eye. Have you, perhaps, also explored new internal landscapes?

One last thing … Did you know that you have contributed to the development of sustainable tourism? By choosing to walk the Circuit de l’Abbaye, you have respected the environment and the communities you’ve gone through and partaken in their life.

There are but a few kilometres left… Take advantage of them!


Learning to look at things differently

Source: Action Memphré-Ouest (AMO)


Aren’t the last steps the most difficult ones?

Source: Action Memphré-Ouest (AMO)

Extracto de
Circuit de l'Abbaye - Eastern Townships

Circuit de l'Abbaye - Eastern Townships image circuit

Presentada por : Action Memphrémagog Ouest

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