Mont-Rolland | Sainte-Adèle's industrial heritage
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Ville de Sainte‑Adèle

Downtown Sainte-Adèle and Mont-Rolland each developed differently. Sainte-Adèle grew around religious, social, and economic institutions. Mont-Rolland, for its part, was built around industry: the Moulins du Nord company and La Rolland paper mill were the driving forces of its growth.

In fact, part of Mont-Rolland still preserves the working-class traces left by this historical paper mill where five (5) generations of the Rolland family oversaw its operations. To this day, this kind of company village remains unique in the Laurentians. Other institutions in the village, including the church and school, complete the Rolland family’s legacy.

Take a stroll to visit the circuit’s 15 points of interest and then head by car to visit “History & Heritage | Sainte-Adèle des pays-d'en-Haut”, our second pedestrian circuit.

Distance: 2 km
Time: 75 minutes

Please note that most of these points of interest are on private land and we ask for your cooperation to respect the privacy of these residences.


This project is part of a cultural agreement between the City of Sainte-Adèle and the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec.

Coordination: City of Sainte-Adèle
Historical and Photographic Research, Writing and Photography: Christiane Brault
Linguistic Revision: Pierre Grignon

The City of Sainte-Adèle would like to thank the members of the Heritage Committee: Roch Bédard, Julie Champagne, Jean-Pierre Dontigny, Alain Lafrance, Sonia Leroux and Yan Senneville.

We would like to acknowledge the collaboration of: Marielle Bélec, Marie-Claire Boyer, Pierre Grignon, Carmelle Huppé, Michel Lamoureux, Aline Maillé, Claude and Nicole Millette and Yvon Sigouin.


Archives of the Société d’histoire et de généalogie des Pays-d’en-Haut

Archives of the Société d’histoire de la Rivière-du-Nord

Archives of the City of Sainte-Adèle

Fonds Journal des Pays-d’en-Haut

DUBUC, Michèle and Jean Nicolas Perrault, Sainte-Adèle à travers le temps 1842-2005, Éditions Sainte-Adèle, 2005.

DUMAS, Pierre, La Rolland et les Rolland dans Mont- Rolland, La Mémoire, Société d’histoire et de généalogie des Pays-d’en-Haut, no 128, Autumn 2013, p. 15 - 19.

MRC DES PAYS D'EN-HAUT, Étude de caractérisation du cadre bâti résidentiel, Descriptive Files, 2007- 2008.

PAQUIN, Diane, Mont-Rolland - Un village de compagnie, Ethnohistorical Study, June 1994.

VALLIÈRES Marc-Gabriel, Patrimoine –Laurentides,